Sedex is a global membership organisation dedicated to driving improvements in ethical and responsible business practices in global supply chains.

The Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (SEDEX) is a web-based system designed to help organizations manage data on labor practices in their supply chain. Members have the benefit of being able to publish their SMETA audit reports directly on the SEDEX system for viewing by all customers.
SEDEX members have agreed the Best Practice Guide, a common methodology to improve audit standards and promote mutual acceptance of audit reports. In addition to the principles in the ETI Base Code, SMETA also review performance against the right to work of migrant workers, management systems and implementation, sub-contracting and home working and environmental issues.
SMETA is one of the most widely used social audit procedures in the world. It provides a globally-recognized way to assess responsible supply chain activities, including labour rights, health & safety, the environment and business ethics.
SMETA Audit is done on Sedex’s four pillars
- Labour
- Health and Safety
- Environment
- Business Ethics
1. Preparation
2. Test Lab
3. Product Testing
4. Application
5. Inspection
6. License
1. What is Sedex?
Sedex is a membership organisation dedicated to making it simpler to do business that’s good for everyone. See our About us page to find out more.
2. How do I join Sedex?
Sedex offers memberships for buyers (A & AB memberships), suppliers (B membership) and auditors. How you join Sedex will be determined by which membership type is best for your organisation. See our Membership page to find out more.
3. What codes is Sedex based on?
Sedex itself does not specify a particular code or state that suppliers have ‘passed’ or ‘failed’.
Sedex Advance stores information on ethical and responsible practices covered by ILO Conventions, ETI Base Code, SA8000, ISO14001 and industry specific codes of conduct. Sedex members can use the information on the system to evaluate suppliers against any of these codes or the labour standards provisions in individual corporate codes.
4. How does Sedex differ from other organisations such as the Ethical Trade Initiative (ETI)?
Sedex offers Sedex Advance, a collaborative platform for buyers, suppliers and auditors to store, share and report on information quickly and easily. Sedex does not set any standards or determine the policy of its members. What we offer is a tool for facilitating access to information and collaboration.
5. Is Sedex just adding another level of bureaucracy?
No, we believe that Sedex can actually help to reduce bureaucracy. Sedex aims to prevent the unnecessary duplication of information, therefore driving convergence in ethical trade. By becoming a member of Sedex, suppliers only have to fill out one questionnaire and can share this with multiple customers.
6. Is the information on Sedex accurate?
The rules of Sedex require members to use their best endeavours to ensure that the information they place on Sedex Advance is correct. However, we do not verify or validate this information. If you need validation of the data we suggest that you request a third party ethical audit to be conducted at your supplier’s site.
7. I’m a supplier and I already provide self-assessment and audit information to my customers; what are the benefits of Sedex for me?
Sedex provides an efficient and cost effective way of communicating with your customers, as you can share one set of data with multiple customers. This helps reduce the need for multiple audits, allowing both you and your customers to concentrate on making improvements.