Goods and Services Tax, GST is an indirect tax imposed in India on the supply of goods and services.

Goods and Services Tax (GST) is an indirect tax (or consumption tax) imposed in India on the supply of goods and services. It is a comprehensive multistage, destination based tax: comprehensive because it has subsumed almost all the indirect taxes except few; multi-staged as it is imposed at every step in the production process, but is meant to be refunded to all parties in the various stages of production other than the final consumer. As a destination based tax, as it is collected from point of consumption and not point of origin like previous taxes.
Goods and services are divided into five different tax slabs for collection of tax – 0%, 5%, 12%, 18% and 28%. However, petroleum products, alcoholic drinks, and electricity are not taxed under GST and instead are taxed separately by the individual state governments, as per the previous tax regime.
As a goods or service provider, if you fail to register for GST, you can incur heavy fines and penalties that can go up to 100% of your owed tax amount. Registering for GST means you can also collect GST from your customers. Thus, in order to avoid any conflict with the law, it is essential that you register for GST.
1. What is GST ?
GST stands for goods and service tax. it is an indirect tax which has to be collected from customers when you sell your goods or services and required to be submitted to the government
2. When is registration under GST mandatory?
It is mandatory to get GST Registration under-
- If your annual turnover exceeds INR 40 Lacs* or
- If you’re doing inter-state sales or
- If you’re selling products online through e-commerce portal or
- If you’re into the import or export business
- If you want to raise a tax invoice for your customers
- If business participating in exhibition/event outside the State as Casual Taxable Payer
*In case of North Eastern States, an annual turnover threshold limit is INR 20 Lakhs
3. Can I be voluntarily registered under GST?
Yes, you can voluntarily get Registered under GST even if your annual turnover does not exceed the threshold limit (40/20 Lacs).
Registering under GST not only helps you in getting your business recognized as a legal registrant but also help you avail various benefits like avail to raise GST Invoice, avail input tax credit, and much more.
4.When a business needs multiple GSTINs?
A business needs to get more than one GST number if,
- A business entity is supplying goods & services from multiple States, then he/she mandatorily required to register under GST in different States.
- Further, any business entity can get multiple GSTIN even if they are operating from a single State under multiple verticals to avoid accounting complexity between multiple businesses.
5. Is there any penalty for not registering under GST?
If any business entity mandatorily required to register under GST, however, failed to apply or intentionally ignoring the same then business is liable to pay the penalty of 100% of the tax due or INR. 10,000 whichever is higher
6. What are the details and documents required for GST registration?
The documents required depends upon the type of business you are running as. Following below documents required for GST Registration: –
- Passport Size Photograph
- Aadhar card or Passport or Driving License
- Pan card of business entity
- Address proof of business premises
- Bank Statement or Cancel cheque or Passbook
- Certificate of Incorporation in case of Company, OPC or LLP
- Partnership Deed in case of partnership firm
7. What is GSTIN?
GSTIN stands for Goods and Service Tax Identification Number consists of 15 digits. This will be get generated from government end when you have successfully applied for GST registration.
- First 2 digit denotes represent State in which business registered under GST
- Next 10 Digits denotes PAN of business entity
- 13th digit denotes the number of business located in the same state
- Last two digits are randomly generated.